- Publisher: Lost Hollow Press
- Available in: Kindle
- ISBN: 978-1-947592-05-6
- Published: 1 June 2018
A White Crow Short Story
Adrift in Sin City, two young souls are locked in a struggle between life and death. He’s a superstar in a gilded cage. She’s a modern spiritualist determined to help him break free. Both of them are on a collision course with evil.
Time is ticking away. He can feel it. Something’s coming. It’s moving closer. Something Wicked This Way Comes. A battered copy of the Ray Bradbury novel is still tucked in his luggage. He is drifting endlessly through a sick and twisted version of that story. The circus didn’t come to this town; this town is a circus. All the souls drifting in and out. Are they unable to accept the everyday reality of life and death? Or unwilling? They search for glittering magic to feel younger, to feel stronger, to feel like masters of the universe. All of them are riding horses on a carousel to death.
Why should he care? Why can’t he just walk away and never look back?
The damn girl.
An image of her pops into his mind, and his whole body throbs with dread. What does she want? Why won’t she just leave him alone? She doesn’t belong here.